Windows and Doors Question

We will be happy to answer any of your queries over the telephone and can supply you with cross section drawings and technical information where needed.

Timber FAQs

How are Timber Windows energy rated?

Timber Windows and Doors are measured according to U Values

U Value’s measure how ‘insulated’ your frames are and how much heat is escaping from your home – the lower the figure the better the performance.

Make sure when you’re being quoted for the U Value of your windows/doors that the figure you’re given is a ‘overall’ figure for both the Glass and the Frame.

All too often clients are mislead by being given only the glazing U Value, which gives an inaccurate view of how efficient the combined frame and glazed panel will perform.

My door lock feels stiff - what should I do?

Unlike most timber doors which only have a centralised mortice lock, our timber doors benefit from Multipoint locking which engages a locking strip down the whole length of the door leaf. The door leaf itself is designed in such a way that when closed, the door is flush internally with the outer frame. However behind the scenes the door leaf is nestled into an ‘L’ shaped rebate, cushioning the door leaf within gaskets – all designed to prevent cold and draughts from getting through the door.

When first fitted, your timber door is set up to close to perfectly into this rebate and the gasket cushion. Once the door is closed, the handle needs to be raised to engage the locking system and once the key is turned, you’re secure until you unlock the door. Lifting the handle and turning the key should feel comfortable to use, although to make sure the door leaf has the right level of compression against the frame it may feel a little firm to lift when engaging the lock.

If you notice that lifting the handle to engage the lock is becoming more difficult, we ask you to call us as soon as you notice a difference. All that’s happened is that the door has settled a little on its hinges and in doing so the lock is moving a couple of mm’s out of line – causing the additional stiffness to operate. Our workmanship guarantee gives you peace of mind that we’re here to sort that for you, so give us a quick call and we’ll send our engineer out to site to adjust the hinges to lift the door sash back into line.

We never, ever have to plane or alter our door leaf’s as they are manufactured to offer the perfect amount of tolerance to open and close. So the adjustment is only ever on the hinges and easily completed within an hour or so.

We’re here to help and though we don’t offer an emergency service, we do aim to get out to adjust your door within the same week. Leaving the matter to get worse can result in you getting locked out of your home so please don’t ignore what seems like a minor issue. Once we’ve adjusted the hinges it’ll work like a dream once again.

This is a regular part of the maintenance on any of our doors and we’re happy to adjust it for you through the 10 years of our workmanship guarantee to make sure you always have your door working at peak performance.

Can you replicate my existing timber window frames to keep the character of my home?

Our timber windows are made to measure each individual opening in your home. They can also be manufactured to match the dimensions of any structural or glazing features you want to see once your new windows are completed.

We work closely with you to make sure that the final result enhances the character of your home; leaving you with a comfortable, warm and beautiful interior to match the beautiful outside view you always imagined.

Within timber manufacturing you’ll find many levels of quality and design. Each has its place and we’re here to ensure that any client choosing to work with us, is given an unbiased understanding of all thats available to them within the market. They can then make an informed decision on where the differences lie between the quality and subsequent price of one frame compared to another and who they prefer to work with, without any pressure.

When a client chooses to work with us, following a successful installation the greatest compliment a client can give, is to say that they frames ‘don’t look as if they’ve ever been changed’ – apart from the fact that they’re now in perfect condition and their home is so much warmer. It’s also a treat to be able to open the windows once their new frames are installed – this isn’t always the case with their original frames which more often that not were screwed or painted shut.

We don't want to lose our Stained Glass panels, but the frames won't last another winter

We have saved many beautiful stained panels from extinction by salvaging them, renovating them and inserting them into new triple glazed units to fit into new frames. Its detailed work and takes a little longer to do, but the results are beautiful and our clients love to see them reinstalled into their new windows.

We’re often asked whether we can put the stained panels back into a double glazed unit so that the stained element is still on the outside face. Unfortunately the original stained panels are porous and are prone to let moisture through the lead joints, so aren’t fully weatherproof.

If they were used as the outside face of a sealed double glazed unit, the sealed cavity would break down and you’d be left with a moisture ridden pane that would deteriorate very quickly. By encapsulating the stained panel within an inner and outer pane to form a triple glazed unit, the stained panel is fully protected and you’ll get to enjoy your stained glass for years to come.

Is your timber sustainably sourced?

Whilst we can offer Meranti Hardwood and Oak options if required for specific purposes, more than 80% of our clients choose our European Redwood timber option which is a knot free softwood which is grown slowly in managed Northern European Plantations, backed by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC Certificate No: C124392) and other controlled sources.

European Redwood is the timber used by British Joiners of yesteryear with proven Longevity, its knot-free and stable. Supported still further by our Engineered processes its stronger than ever before.

These sustainable plantations work on the basis that when trees are felled, new ones are always planted to replace those harvested. The cold climates in which they’re nurtured results in a slow growth that in turn means stronger, knot free timber with a low moisture content.

European Forests are now growing by around 5,000 sq. km each year and these forests are crucial for the environment, removing Co2 from the atmosphere and locking it away.

Will I still need to paint my frames?

All our timber frames are pre- treated prior to delivery so they’ll arrive fully painted inside and out – every rebate, internal bead edge etc. Once we’ve fitted your frames you won’t need to do anything except perhaps apply a little emulsion on the internal walls where we’ve replaced plaster etc. Over time your windows will need cleaning and maintenance as expected with Timber, but with a 12 year guarantee on our painted finishes (subject to maintenance and exposure/location) this won’t be any time soon.

When it’s time to redecorate your frames, all that’s needed to prepare the surface is a gentle keying of the timber rather than a full ‘rub down’. After building in all the protection in the coatings, the last thing we want for your frames is for them to be rubbed right back to the timber- its just not necessary. The one stipulation when redecorating your frames is that you need to use a Micro-Porous paint system to ensure that the timber is still able to breathe. Using anything that isnt microporous would invalidate your guarantee.

So a gentle rub down with fine wet and dry, or Scotchbrite is enough just to open the grain of the paint finish and then simply reapply two coats of topcoat to the timber. This will set you back up until the next time. Times between decorating differ depending on how exposed a property is. So if you’re on the top of the moors you can expect to decorate more frequently than if you’re tucked away in a sheltered location. The best way to judge is to check your frames on a regular basis and when you notice they’re looking a little jaded, plan in a refresh of the paint to bring the frames back up to par.

We can help if you want to use the same paint as that’s already used on the frames. The system used in Teknos Gori and we can have the paint mixed in the same factory that made your frames, so the same colour recipe is used. We’d need a few weeks to get that into stock for you but price wise its no more expensive than any you’d buy from your local store – and its exactly whats used on your current windows or doors.

Will my timber windows be draught free?

They’d better be!

Our windows are designed and manufactured to exceed European Manufacturing standards so each product is CE Marked and made to extremely high standards.

Our showroom samples are the perfect way to check the quality of the products you’re considering for your home. You’ll see that each window has glazed panes that are fully sealed around each perimeter inside and out of each casement to prevent unwanted moisture from slipping in between the glass and the timber frame.

Added to that, within each window rebate we have numerous gasketed areas designed to compress fully when the windows are closed, and form a tight seal to prevent unwanted draughts. Each of our windows features a multipoint locking system to ensure we have full compression against the gasket once the windows are closed and locked and no draughts. If you live in an extremely exposed area you might prefer a lipped casement which adds in an extra element of protection in homes battered by wind and rain due to their location.

Either way, we’ve got you covered.

How do I maintain the timber?

To always keep your frames looking their best, wash them down regularly with warm soapy water to prevent the build up of grit over time. Grit is the worst culprit for scratching and damaging paintwork. With a 12 year guarantee on the paint and 6 years on stained products you’ve a good while before your frames will need recoating. However, if you live in an extremely exposed area, you might find that your frames need redecorating sooner due to the force your frames take from wind and rain. Inspect your frames annually and if you feel the paint is starting to look jaded, arrange for redecoration to take place before your timber becomes exposed. Leaving timber exposed would invalidate your guarantees so please act in good time to prevent that point being reached.

One of the benefits of Timber is that its repairable, so if someone or something dinks your frame, it’s something that can be repaired. During the period of your guarantee our team will be happy to support you with any minor repair work that is needed to bring your frames up to par following a bump.
Longer term, whilst we don’t offer a redecoration service the frames already have an inbuilt level of protection provided during manufacture. Where most older frames need sanding down to bare timber, this is the last thing we want you to do on our frames. The layers of protection built up in the factory during manufacture mean you already have a coating for Anti Fungal infection, plus a base coat and two top coats, so all that’s needed is to open up the grain on the timber with some scotchguard or some fine wet & dry sandpaper and freshen up the existing Micro-Porous paint finish.

To do this you must ensure your decorator is using a Micro Porous finish, ideally the Teknos paint system used during Manufacture. We can source this for you within a few weeks from the same factory that mixed your original paint to offer you the best colour match possible to your original finish. The current coating should only be lightly sanded to open up the grain only – it doesn’t want ‘rubbing down’ as such. Then two coats of the top coat would be applied and you’re good to go.

Timber Alternative FAQs

What is a Timber Alternative Window?

‘Timber Alternative’ windows are designed to look like timber, but without any of the associated maintenance. They’re manufactured with realistic Flush Casement and Sliding Sash designs so they offer that traditional timber appeal, with timber look joints and wood grained effects finishes.

We’ve seen many clients who are absolutely adamant that they only want timber, be flumoxed when they find themselves stroking a frame that they’ve fallen in love with, only to find its a Timber Alternative and forms part of the UPVc family.

With minimal need for maintenance, that’s where the similarity to UPVc ends as they’re as different as chalk and cheese. If you’re looking for a solution that removes the need for any major maintenance (apart from lubricating the hinges), then the Timber Alternative products have certainly come of age. Available in a wealth of colours and foiled finishes to offer that individual feel, they stand apart as a niche and quality designed product.

Gathering pace with clients who appreciate a quality without the need for intensive long term care, Timber Alternative Casements and Sliding Sash Windows offer a fantastic alternative within the window market. To put the cherry on the cake, we’ve samples available in our showroom for you to poke and prod to your hearts content.

How do I know which design will work for my home?

It can seem daunting when you need to consider style changes to your existing windows. In many cases clients move into homes where the previous owners have made changes that they wouldn’t choose for themselves. If the character has been stripped out of the home by ill chosen windows, how do you know what will look best for your new replacements?

Whenever you’re looking for new windows for your home, there are many options you can consider before making your final choices. It’s important that you’re given the advice and time that you need to look at these options, and the impact they can have on your home. You need to feel comfortable that any decision that you make, is made for the right reasons and that it will retain the character of your home and leave it feeling better than it ever has before.

Whether you choose to work with us or not, we’re happy to give you the guidance you need to make one of the most important decisions in your life. You’ll live with your choices for a long, long time, so it’s important that you get it right both for you and how you live today and for your home and how it will look tomorrow.

Sometimes it feels impossible to imagine how a slight change to features within your windows could make such a positive impact on your home. Other times, the last thing you want to do is change a design that’s been in your home for a hundred years. We can help identify those choices, so you have the best advice on the features that would work for your lifestyle, in your home.

What colour options are available in Timber Alternative ranges?

When considering a change of scene with your windows, how do you feel about colour? We’re all different and these differences are what introduce character into our homes – make them a reflection of our personalities. If you want to manage this in a positive way, to have your home as the focal point of the street for all the right reasons – why not consider a colour or finish that’s subtly different. Not quite the same as the others you’ve seen?

With a miriad of choices now available in the market you’ve more chance than ever to choose a finish thats rarely seen in mainstream windows. With foiled or smooth effects – new, unique colour choices are becoming available. Leading the way in a wave of window innovation thats changing the market in a positive way. This choice and difference is exciting, its new and its putting a new slant on window replacement. We love it. But it does have its drawbacks – lead times become longer as the profiles are produced to order as ‘specials’ rather than sitting as regular main stream stock. This can mean the difference between a 5 week installation or a 12 week installation so please bear that in mind.

Having said that, being the only person in your area who is rocking the most gorgeous windows – thats one of lifes priceless moments. You just need to plan a longer process for your refurbishment. If that’s not your ideal solution, choose from one of the external classic shades with a smooth white internal finish and its highly likely you could be having your new windows fitted in less than 6 weeks. These little tweaks can make so much difference.

One thing’s for sure – life doesn’t have to be neutral any longer – choose from a miriad of pre-defined finishes and colours, or decide you want something ‘just your own’ and have them sprayed – the world is your oyster on this one, just remember to bring your sunglasses!

What Guarantee's can I expect with my Timber Alternative Windows

As Timber Alternative Windows form part of the UPVc family – distant cousins you might say, guarantees are generous and very reliable. However, as they’re forming an important part of your home what can you really expect?

10 Years Manufacturers Guarantee against defects
10 Years Installation and Workmanship Guarantee
10 Years Glazing Guarantee against break down
2 Years Locks, Hinges & Handles

What does this mean in reality? If your frames develop a Manufacturing issue, we’ll replace the defective frame, sash etc on behalf of the manufacturer. If your hinges become stiff or stop working as they should, our Workmanship guarantee ensures that you’ve got a safety net in us. We’ve got your back and will visit your home to get things back on track for you. This might mean oiling a hinge, or it might mean a full hinge replacement – our guys will sort that without charge.

If a glazed unit develops a habit of fogging – just now and again. Then thats showing that the unit is breaking down. Its a manufacturing fault and we’ll change it for you if you’re within your 10 year Guarantee period. Locks, Hinges and Handles have a shorter guarantee as they’re subject to wear and tear, so manufacturers only guarantee them for 12 months. We increase that to 2 years (24 months) as we feel you deserve a little longer support. If you find a problem after that 2 year period, we’ll still come out to look at the problem for you. We’ll even get new parts to replace them for you. We’ll give you the labour free of charge and you just pay for the part (Handle, hinge, lock). We’ve always worked that way, and feel its a fair way to make sure our clients still get ongoing support for items that no longer are in their guarantee period. Hopefully you feel the same way.

What maintenance should I expect with Timber Alternative frames?

Duster….., check!
Glass Cleaner……, check!
Lubricant…….. check …?! What?

Yes – lubricant. One of the most common reasons we get called out is to hinges or locks that aren’t working any more – they’re stiff and the window either won’t open, or worse still – its open and it won’t close!

Despite the fact that UPVc products are low maintenance – they are not ‘no’ maintenance. So here are a few ground rules to keep your windows looking as stunning as when they were first fitted:

Avoid using hard or abrasive materials to clean your frames. Warm, soapy water with a soft cloth to wash the outside and another soft, dry cloth to dry them off is enough to keep the outsides looking great. You can use a similar solution inside but you could also just use furniture polish to keep them glossy and smelling wonderful.

Whether a room is used regularly or not, pop in every 3 months or so and open and close any of the windows meant to operate. Make sure that the hinges are working smoothly, check that the lock cams are moving without catching when you operate the handle and that the window isn’t stiff. Whether it is or it isn’t, use a spray lubricant such as GT85 to keep the hinges and lock cams operating at their best. If you think about it, metal on metal is not a great mix – the lubricant helps keep things moving smoothly and saves on issues further down the line.

Glass Cleaners – we use Bohle for our glass cleaning (Solvent based) but other products are available. If you prefer an eco friendly version try cleaning your glass with a bowl of water with a few drops of dish washing detergent and a capful of white vinegar in the mix. Apply with a soft lint free cloth, then dry the glass off with either newspaper (its what we used years ago) or kitchen towel if you prefer the none print version. Your glass will gleam and the elbow grease will keep you fit.

Just a few quick tips to keep your windows in peak condition and looking as stunning as the day they were fitted. Now, put the lubricant away – your hinges are the best in town now for at least the next 3 months.

Why don't you offer a Timber Alternative Door Range?

Until the industry comes up with a better solution we made the decision last year to no longer offer Timber Alternative (Composite) doors.

We can offer you Stunningly Beautiful Timber Doors and we can also offer you some brilliantly sexy Aluminium doors, but not Composite Doors – at the moment.

Why? Over the years the Composite door market has become more and more comptetive and its driven itself into the ground, by trying to win business by offering lower and lower prices. The outcome has been a lack of support for installers if/when a problem arises with the door. The usual problems such as bowing or twisting in door sashes, is met with responses such as ‘we don’t class that as a fault…’, or better yet ‘it has to be bowing down the whole length of the door and the bow needs to be between 5-7mm for us to see that as a fault’ – unfortunately by that point the door simply won’t lock – however it can do a great impression of a banana.

The lighter colours don’t suffer the same issues as they reflect more light and therefore don’t absorb as much heat, especially with some of the summers we’ve had lately. It’s also well recognised in the industry that doors fitted into a southern facing wall are likely to experience the most problems as they’re in full sun most of the day. They’ll expand in the heat and whilst they will cool down later in the day, you might have to wait a while to close/lock your door.

So for the moment, until a manufacturer produces a product that they’ll stand by, we’ve made the decision to take ourselves out of this market. Hopefully, someone soon will see that its right to stand by your products and rather than denying there’s an issue – work to develop a better product, with fewer issues and perhaps it’ll need to cost a bit more, but it’ll do the job its expected to do.

Aluminium FAQs

What are the new Energy Ratings for Windows?

The WER or Window Energy Rating is a scheme designed to help customers select the most efficient combination of Frame and glazing to suit their budget.

Like household appliances, windows will be rated from a G (least efficient) to an A (most efficient) rating depending on how much heat they will retain in your home.
To prove that they are genuinely offering the rating stated, the Installer should be able to provide a certificate to confirm the rating of the frames.

From October 2010 all manufacturers are required to provide an energy rating for their frames which will allow you to select the rating which suits your needs and your budget.

I remember the original Aluminium Windows - whats so different now?

Older systems tended to be fitted within Timber Sub Frames and haven’t benefitted from the advances made over recent years in frame manufacture.  These frames are now over 40 years old and while that time might have gone by in a ‘blink’, you’ll not be surprised to hear that Aluminium Windows and Doors have come forward in development a tremendous amount since their first launch in the 1980’s.

Modern Aluminium frames now have more internal cavities to allow them to trap heat more efficiently – they also have what are known as Thermal Breaks designed to help prevent the transmission of heat through the frame.  Also used widely where structural support is needed on large, contemporary feature frames, Aluminium has a design to suit most installations.   Major advances in Glazing manufacture also play a large part, with systems such as Planitherm Total+ designed to lessen cold spots on windows, they’re designed to make your home far more comfortable no matter how large the glass panes are.

By specifying double or triple glazed units with energy efficient glazing; market leading ‘warm edge spacer’ and Argon Gas which acts as extra insulation in glass units, you will be able to turn down your heating thermostat and see a marked improvement in your energy bills.

My windows won't open - do I have to have a new frame?

That’s not always necessary and the problem is generally caused due to a lack of maintenance.  It can be remedied if its not gone too far.   

If you imagine metal moving against metal, which is what is happening inside your frames, where the hinges move alongside each other; regular lubrication is needed to make sure that the hinges can operate properly. 

For the sake of a few £’s you can purchase lubricant sprays (GT85 is one option) which will help to ease the friction and with a bit of patience, you have a chance to save some hinges that are not too far gone.   Spray on the lubricant and work the window casement backwards and forwards if you can, to work the spray into the crevices.  That extra bit of elbow grease  might just have saved you not only time and money but a bit of a headache too. 

However, if the hinges are absolutely seized, then the only option is to change them, providing of course that they’re still in manufacture. 

Some of the older frame systems may no longer have suitable hinges in production.   There are some hinges which could be used as ‘suitable’ but not ‘exact’ replacements, but its likely you’ll need support from a professional to help if they’ve gone this far.  

My door locks but is jamming when I try to close it. I'm worried it may let me down one day?

There are many reasons why a door may jam or need adjustment.  Our team are here to help with adjustments as needed to keep your doors in top condition.  You may find some adjustment is needed when we’re in extremes of weather, for example the hot summer weather we all love or the freezing winter that we can’t wait to end….. 

All Doors are prone to swell and contract depending on the weather conditions a darker coloured door usually suffers from this more than a White door due to the darker colours absorbing heat more easily. However, by allowing a little time for the door sashes to cool, and adjusting the door on its hinges we can generally rectify the problem and have your door working properly again in no time.  Where you have multiple doors together,  this problem is exagerated as the tolerances built into the frame to allow movement and still prevent draughts, are quickly eroded if you have multiple door sashes such as French Doors, Bi Fold Doors etc.  

If your problem is that your key is catching or sticking in the cylinder/barrel of the door lock, you are better to deal with the issue now rather than risk the expense of an emergency locksmith further down the line. A new barrel may be all that is needed to make your lock work perfectly.  Please note that we don’t offer an emergency service for lock issues, but will aim to get out to you the same day to rectify any problem with one of our own doors.   


0114 399 9825

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We are closed on Bank Holiday Mondays

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